30 December 2014


This month I set myself the challenge of posting on here every single day of the month. Other bloggers do this all the time so shouldn't be too hard, right?
At the start of the year I said I'd try be more active and regular on the blogging front but that didn't really last. I dip in and out of posting regularly. I love it when I do it but sometimes it's really hard to find the motivation. So I figured, if I could attempt daily blogging for a month then maybe I'd kind of force myself into a routine. I never wanted to come out of the challenge and then be all "I'm a daily blogger now" because boy... I definitely cannot keep this up! But if I can get myself into some kind of routine for maybe 2-3 posts a week, that'd be good.

I said at the start of this challenge that picking December probably wasn't the most ideal month for this challenge as there are days when people are possibly not online so probably wouldn't see said posts. Also at the start I struggled a little thinking of different content for everyday. I wanted to try and throw in more lifestyle posts to not make the beauty chat seem too repetitive and I thought "how on earth do people daily blog for 12 months a year?!"
I quickly realised though that other bloggers must find December the easiest blogging month as my timelines and feeds have been flooded with "beauty advent calendar day 1... day 2..." and "gift guides for him/her/mum/sister/etc" and "Christmas wishlists".
I don't enjoy Christmas like most people do. You will see now that I didn't post any of the above mentioned posts. It would have been very easy for me to do them to make up the days that I had no ideas for but I wouldn't have enjoyed doing them.
I did post the Luxury Beauty wishlist a few days back but I was very conscious to not post it before Christmas Day. I can't explain why but it made me feel too uncomfortable to do so. I'm kind of always wary of posting wishlists anyway as I don't want it to seem like I'm asking for things to be given to me. I'm pretty sure it probably doesn't come across like that but... yeah.
I'm also not having a go about people doing gift guides etc as I did read some and I'm sure they were really helpful to readers but it's just not for me.
I'm now seeing TONNES of "What I got for Christmas" posts and I'm not going to go into this one but they are making me feel so uncomfortable...
So whereas I thought December was the hardest month to blog in, turns out it's probably the easiest... if you want to post about festive things.

At the start of the month I wrote out a planner and wrote which posts were for which day and then I created draft posts just with each title. I didn't end up sticking to the planner and I also ended up not using some of the posts I originally thought of. These are still in my drafts so they may get published another time. But this is a good thing. Still keeps a bit of spontaneity to things as usually when I normally blog it is a case of write, take photos, insert, publish.No scheduling or anything.
With the lack of natural daylight at this time of year I had to do some bulk photo taking and I tried to put together a few posts at the time at the start. There were some days I knew I'd be out all day and wouldn't have time to write and publish a blog on that day so planning and scheduling needed to be done.
With having a full time job and at least attempting to have having a social life, daily blogging would be too difficult to try and keep on top of.

I have enjoyed this challenge and I'm glad I did it and succeeded. From the stats, it's not been a shabby month! So thank you for having a read of my ramblings.
I will attempt, to begin with, 2 posts a week. I will definitely do Sundays and then probably Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm not setting any of that in stone though...
I've linked underneath the image some of my favourites posts from this month so if you missed any you can go back and have a read.

I'd really like to know your thought on daily blogging - is it too much or do you prefer it? Especially in the case of unestablished bloggers who don't blog for work?
Also, what kind of content and posts do you like the most and would you like to see on here in the new year?

Thank you for checking out my blog. It makes me smile that people actually bother clicking on my link.


1 comment:

  1. I said the exact same and I didnt even last the whole month of December! Going to keep myself in a routine of 3 posts a week and see how that goes.
    I totally agree with you, I sometimes lack the motivation to start typing away at a blog post but its not because i dont enjoy but I just dont have any motivation to do it!

    CharlotteSamantha // www.charlottesamantha.co.uk


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