At the end of 2013 I decided I wanted to do a memory jar throughout 2014 were I would just write nice things that happened on scrap bits of paper, keep them in a jar then read them back once the year was over. And I actually managed to stick to it! I didn't put something in every single day. It was just whenever I did something with friends or family or had a day out or went to some kind of event or just a nice little thing happened. I'd write it down, fold it up and put it in the jar.
I was going to look back through it on New Years Day but then I thought that I'd only just put my last piece in for the year so it seemed too soon, and I was also a bit ill last week. So now 2015 is starting to settle in, life has gone back to normal with festivities ending and going back to work so I have decided today is the day to look through the jar!
11 January 2015
7 January 2015
I had some of my old Spotify playlists on the other night whilst having a bath and decided that I'd love to put together a monthly playlist feature here on the blog just to break up all the beauty posts and keep things fresh and different. It'll only be 10 or so songs that I'm loving at the moment, new songs I've found and some golden oldies just for nostalgia sake.
I'll aim for the first of the month but this idea came to me a few days late..!
There's not going to be themes for every month but I thought as it's January and it can be a tough ol' month, I've gone for a very upbeat and happy list of music to cheer up the blue days.
I'll aim for the first of the month but this idea came to me a few days late..!
There's not going to be themes for every month but I thought as it's January and it can be a tough ol' month, I've gone for a very upbeat and happy list of music to cheer up the blue days.
4 January 2015
I'm lucky enough that I now have a job that gives me the Christmas period off work. (Those of you who work in retail or medical jobs or any other jobs that don't get such luxury, I'm sorry and I hope your customers/clients have been respectful to you. It's the worst, I've been there.)
But in this two weeks off I've managed to destroy my body clock. For example, today I woke up at 1.30pm... I didn't really intent on that happening today. Usually on a weekend, my body automatically gets me up about 8.30 (don't appreciate that either, body.) So it's safe to say that tomorrow morning's 6.50am alarm is going to hurt.
I will be doing a good pamper session tonight to chill myself out and (hopefully) sleep at a reasonable time.
Here's the lowdown...
But in this two weeks off I've managed to destroy my body clock. For example, today I woke up at 1.30pm... I didn't really intent on that happening today. Usually on a weekend, my body automatically gets me up about 8.30 (don't appreciate that either, body.) So it's safe to say that tomorrow morning's 6.50am alarm is going to hurt.
I will be doing a good pamper session tonight to chill myself out and (hopefully) sleep at a reasonable time.
Here's the lowdown...